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In case you missed it, you can experience Faye MacCalman's incredible audio-visual performance-installation Invisible, Real, which debuted at Cheltenham Jazz Festival 2022, in our video below.

Cheltenham Jazz Festival 2022 saw the debut of a brand new audio-visual performance-installation Invisible, Real

Created by composer, saxophonist, clarinettist and improviser Faye MacCalman, the installation saw her explore what happens when our inner worlds are taken out of the dark and mental illness is free to be talked about without stigma or shame.

Anonymous real-life stories collected from the public met magical and playful subconscious worlds, conjured through collaboration with visual artist Rhian Cooke and sound artist Nikki Sheth to merge woodwind, vocal and electronic layers with floating projections and sound art.

The installation, which was commissioned through Cheltenham Jazz Festival's Jerwood Jazz Encounters programme and supported by Jerwood Arts, was presented across two days at Cheltenham Jazz Festival at Unit 106, The Promenade, Cheltenham.