News Story

Reading Teachers = Reading Pupils (RTRP) is Cheltenham Festivals’ flagship outreach project designed to inspire teachers and pupils to read for pleasure.

In the autumn of 2018, Kat Woods began participating in the project and found it had a profouond effect on her career. Here's her story...

Kat Woods, from Upton St Leonards C of E Primary School:

"I joined RTRP in the autumn of 2018. I had no idea what to expect and even less idea as to the impact it would have on my school and own career. 

I’ve always loved reading but had lost my way with literature. I stuck to the classics and read when I could, fitting it around my own children and teaching.  In 2018 I found myself reluctantly leading PSHE and wondering if I wanted to continue to teach. RTRP reignited my passion for books but also teaching. Suddenly I was telling anyone who wanted to listen about the power of a great children’s book. I badgered SLT about moving to a whole class reading novel approach, I connected with reading teachers, authors, poets and illustrators. This passion was infectious and slowly it began to seep into every corner of school.   

My passion and drive for reading led to being asked to be Reading Lead and then invited onto SLT and now I lead phonics and reading at Upton but also support other schools. We welcome teachers from all over the county to share our passion for reading. 

 The RTRP books are the core of our reading spine and we welcome authors into school from the programme. Those relationships with authors have been key to driving forward a love of reading.  

We are relentless in our drive for children to love reading. We have many exciting plans to come.  

I currently teach in Year 1 and I love discovering beautiful picture books to share with my class.  I’m also leading RTRP for the Gloucester Schools Partnership and I love to be part of other teachers' journeys to becoming a reading teacher."