What is RTRP?

Reading Teachers = Reading Pupils (RTRP) is Cheltenham Festivals’ flagship outreach project designed to inspire teachers and pupils to read for pleasure because children who read for pleasure experience high levels of well-being, engage in learning and are successful in life.

RTRP would not be possible without the fantastic support of our funders: Gloucestershire Community Foundation, Hitchins Family Trust, Jennifer Hayward & Richard Waite, The MacRobert Trust, Unwin Charitable Trust and The High Sheriff of Gloucestershire.

The aims of RTRP are to:

1. Increase teachers’ enthusiasm for and knowledge of high-quality children’s literature so teachers are reading role models for their pupils 

2. Support teachers’ planning of whole class literacy teaching 

3. Build pupil’s confidence in responding to books in group, class or wider reading communities

4. Inspire pupils and teachers through connection with authors