Why Partner with us?

Partnering with Cheltenham Festivals offers a range of benefits for businesses, organisations, and individuals. It offers a comprehensive and strategic opportunity to enhance your brand, engage with targeted audiences, and support cultural and educational impacts in the local community and beyond.

Here are some key reasons to consider a partnership:

Brand Visibility and Exposure

Our Festivals attract diverse and substantial audiences. Partnering with us allows your brand to be seen by thousands of attendees, increasing your visibility and recognition

Targeted Audience Engagement

The Festivals encompass literature, science, jazz, and music. This diversity allows you to target specific demographics aligned with your brand’s objectives and audiences

Community and Cultural Support

By partnering with Cheltenham Festivals, you demonstrate your commitment to supporting cultural and educational initiatives. This can enhance your corporate social responsibility profile and build goodwill within the community

Networking Opportunities

The Festivals attract high-profile guests, speakers, artists, and industry leaders. As a Partner, you gain access to exclusive events and networking opportunities

Customised Partnership Packages

We offer various Partnership levels and customisable packages. This flexibility ensures that your investment aligns with your goals and budget

Employee Engagement and Hospitality

Partnerships can include benefits such as tickets to events, VIP access, and hospitality packages. These can be used to reward and engage employees, entertain clients, and create memorable and unique experiences

Impactful Community Outreach

Our Learning and Participation team run year-round educational and outreach programs. By partnering, you can support these initiatives, helping to make a positive impact on education and the arts within the community

Working with Cheltenham festivals over the past 20 years has enabled us to be part of a vibrant celebration of culture creativity and community

Willans Solicitors LLP

Partnering with Cheltenham Jazz Festival has been a great success and has allowed us to reach new audiences and share our award-winning natural spirits

Cotswold Distillery